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JWOC team announced

The team for this year's Junior World Championships in Poland has been decided. Graham Gristwood (OD/UWOC) Mark Nixon (CLYDE/STORA TUNA IK) Mark Saunders (LOC/EUOC) David Hodkinson (NOC) Dan Halliday (OD) Scott Fraser (INT/EUOC) 1st Reserve Oleg Chepelin (GRAMP/EUOC) 2nd Reserve Col...

FCC Series

As well as the overall result for the weekend, the Future Champions Cup Final also constitutes as the last two rounds of the Future Champions Cup Series, where runners scores from the final are added to their best four scores in the qualifying rounds. The difference with the final is that 18’s a...

UK Cup standings after 0007

We have now had 7 races of the season, and with just 2 more weekends to go if you haven’t started scoring points already it’s a bit late to start now! Stephen Palmer came back to Britain for the weekend from Sweden to take the most points from the Men’s class, with Allan Bogle, Matt Speake, Matt...

FCC Final Results

Future Champions Cup Final Overall Result MENS 1. Graham Gristwood M20 OD/UWOC 30.20 (2) 65.50 (1) 96.10 2. Mark Nixon M20 CLYDE 29.47 (1) 69.18 (3) 99.05 3. Scott Fraser M18 INT/EUOC 32.26 (7) 69.09 (2) 101.35 4. Daniel Halliday M20 OD 32.05 (6) 73.24 (5) 105.29 5. David Hodkinson M20 ...

FCC 10 - Lydney Park 02/05/04

FCC Classic Final MENS 10.9km 415m 1. Graham Gristwood OD/UWOC M20 65.50 2. Scott Fraser INT/EUOC M18 69.09 3. Mark Nixon CLYDE M20 69.18 4. Chris Sellens SOS/SHUOC M20 73.05 5. Daniel Halliday OD M20 73.24 6. David Hodkinson NOC M20 74.14 7. Mark Saunders LOC/EUOC M20 75.01 8. Colin...

FCC 9 - Cannop Ponds 01/05/04

FCC Short Final MENS 5.2km 140m 1. Mark Nixon CLYDE M20 29.47 2. Graham Gristwood OD/UWOC M20 30.20 3. Colin Olivant NOC M20 31.01 4. David Hodkinson NOC M20 31.56 5. Mark Saunders LOC/EUOC M20 32.04 6. Daniel Halliday OD M20 32.05 7. Scott Fraser INT/EUOC M18 32.26 8. Oleg Chepelin ...

Achlean C4

Results of the BASOC event available from their website. here.

FCC Decided

At the second day of the 0007 today the winners and future champions along with the British champions at MW20 were decided. The second day of the FCC final was held in Lydney Park scene of JK Day 1 and the JK Relays 2 years ago. So the results: Girls:FCC Cup Winner: Mhairi Mackenzie W20E, F...

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