event :: WAOC mini-Blodslitet
For those of you unable to get to the real ‘Blodslitet’ in Norway at the end of October, WAOC are pleased to offer their second mini version of the event on Sunday October 1st at Ampthill Park (TL024382). The nearest literal translation of Blodslitet is 'Blood Spiller' which gives an idea to the thinking behind the event. There will be mass starts for the standard length Brown and Blue courses (mass start at 11.00), with gaffled legs and butterfly loops to break up the pack. Ampthill Park is hilly and should prove fast and challenging racing, with lots of head-to-head racing. The park is easily reached from both the A1 and MI.
For those who fancy a less ‘stressful’ morning of racing, standard colour coded courses and starts are also on offer.
More details at www.waoc.org.uk
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