event :: shamrock o-ringen 07
With the summer of 2006 over you can start planning for next year! Here is one for the diary:
Cork Orienteering Club would like to invite you to take part in the 2007 Shamrock O-ringen which will be held on the weekend of June 2nd-4th in West Cork, Ireland.
Saturday June 2 Kilcrohane, Sheep’s Head Peninsula, West Cork - Short distance
Sunday June 3 Kilcrohane, Sheep’s Head Peninsula, West Cork - Classic distance
Monday June 4 Cobdubh, Glengarriff, West Cork - Chasing Start.
Event Centre Community Hall Kilcrohane, Co. Cork, Ireland multimap here
Information on accommodation (hotels, bed & breakfast, self-catering) and activities (sailing, walking etc.) is available on www.thesheepshead.com.
Dunbeacon Campsite, which is not listed here, can be contacted by phone on +353
(0) 2761246.
The first and second days are approximately 5-10K from the event centre. The third day is approximately 30K from the event centre towards Cork City.
The terrain is classic West Cork open mountainside with complex contours and fast running. The Sheep’s Head area has not been used for orienteering before so the maps for days one and two are new. The Cobdubh map has been updated for day three.
Entries will open in January 2007 with electronic (accepting credit cards) and paper formats available.
Information updates will be published on corko.orienteering.ie
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