Chase Challenge 2006
24th & 25th June
Walton Chasers Orienteering Club invites you to compete in two days of outdoor competition on Cannock Chase.
Our sponsors will be providing prizes for major classes with 3 or more finishers.
Confirmed so far –
SI card for best hire card result on each day.
Mammoth Lifestyle Vouchers.
SIS merchandise.
Day 1 - Saturday 24th June - Trailquest / MTBO combo -This is a cycle orienteering event with a fixed time limit (2 hours or 3 hours). You can compete in pairs or as a solo and the aim is to navigate from control to control collecting as many points as possible, returning within the 3-hour time limit or penalty points are incurred. The first 9 controls however are to be taken in fixed order and times and positions will be published for the competition at this point. There will then follow 5 score controls using the MTBO map before a map exchange to the smaller scale Trailquest map for the remainder of the time limit.
Day 2 - Sunday 25th June - Long 'O' - This is a Long Distance Foot Orienteering event with 4 courses available of approx 8, 12, 17 and 23 kms, distances between controls are significantly greater than normal orienteering courses and there is often a larger element of route choice between the controls with less emphasis on fine navigation near the control site. You can compete in pairs or as a solo and the aim is to finish in the quickest time.
EVENT CENTRE ( for both days)
Grounds behind Cannock Chase Visitors Centre
Grid reference: SK00615. Signed from A34 N of Cannock & A51 traffic lights NW of Rugeley centre
Facilities: Free car parking, Toilets and Refreshments (Good Cafe) at adjacent visitors centre
Entry Fees.
£7.00 per person per day (or £12.00 for both days)
£1.00 per si card hired
Closing date 9th June. - £3.00 surcharge per day after this time
Very limited EOD with £3.00 surcharge per day
Non TCA members £2.00 insurance and Associate TCA membership
All riders’ MUST either be a full or associate member. New riders’ details will be sent to the TCA membership secretary and a TCA number allocated.
For more information and an entry form please go to
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