ukcup :: scottish sprints
Provisional details for this event are now on the Solway club website . Alongside the championship course will be a colour coded course (Light Green standard) so that mere mortals can also run on roughly the same terrain as the people competing in the championships. We hope that this will get more people competing in this type of orienteering.
The finish will be in the local football club's stadium so people, once they have finished their runs, can imitate a football crowd with the encouragement they shout to fellow competitors (and to members of their 'fantasy' teams). The nopesport community might also like the challenge of composing a suitable song for the crowd to sing.
Start times are 14:30 to 16:30 for the championships and 14:30 to 16:00 for the colour coded event. This will enable competitors to participate, stay on for the presentation at the end, grab a bite to eat in the local town if so desired (details of Dalbeattie establishments open then will be on the Solway website shortly) and still get to the Harvester comfortably (and abiding by speed limits).
All that is currently lacking for the event are entries/competitors! So don't be shy - get those entries rolling in.
Nopesport relies on user submitted articles. Got an inside scoop? An event review? Please submit it to us.

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