ukrl :: harvester update
Harvester Update
It is only 5 weeks to go before the UK’s answer to Tiomila and Jukola, the Harvester Relays, take place in the foothills of the Southern Uplands in the Scottish Borders. Recently crowned ESOA Club Champions Roxburgh Reivers and the sleepy rural community of Teviothead will host this the final round of the UK Relay League. In a major change from previous years the starts have been brought forward to allow the same area to be used for Scottish O’ League 5 the following day. The five leg B Relay will start at 9.30pm with the 7 leg A relay following at 9.50pm. With a spectator control visited by all courses on the edge of the assembly field and with other controls visible out on the moor this should provide some exciting and spectator friendly early racing. Daylight is expected to last until almost 11.00pm with sunrise at around 3.30am, but with a full moon due on the Sunday torches may not be necessary if it is a clear night!
The A Relay has legs ranging in length from 5.6km to 12.6km with the B going from 4.4km to 8km. Full details of leg order, length and technical difficulty are available on the RR website.
Public transport to the event is a viable option as the regular rail-link bus service which runs between Carlisle and Edinburgh passes within 100m of assembly.
Closing date for entries is Friday 26th May (see RR website for details)
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