mtbo :: north yorkshire

Welcome to the 5th & 6th events in the Compass Point MTBO Series 2006
In North Yorkshire on 22nd – 23rd April 2006
Saturday 22nd April – Sprint Race
VENUE: Bishop Woods, near Selby.
From York and the North – Approach from A19, and turn onto the B1222 just south of Escrick. Follow B1222 through Cawood then look for O-signs on left side of road at north end of Bishop Wood (GR SE550347).
From A1(M) South – Approach from A162, and turn onto the B1222 east of Sherburn – in – Elmet. Look out for right turn into car park just after crossing railway.
FACILITIES: There will be a chemical toilet for emergencies provided in the car park / assembly area. Please try to use facilities en-route.
COURSES: 3 courses will be provided, all with an estimated winning time of 30 minutes. As this is a sprint race, it will be fast and furious with lots of controls and changes of direction. Fast decision making and navigating will be crucial.
Course A – Men’s Open, Men’s Vets
Course B – Women’s Open, Women’s Vets, Men’s S-Vets
Course C – Women’s S-Vets, Men’s + Women’s 60+,
Men’s + Women’s Juniors, Pairs
TERRAIN: Bishop Wood is a flat Forestry Commission ‘Wild Wood’. As well as the standard forest roads and tracks, there are lots of smaller paths that vary in rideability from super-fast to slow. On slow tracks, progress may be impeded by mud or brambles – come along prepared to change a tube during or after the race.
MAP: 1:10,000 MTBO map (A4 size), adapted using OCAD from Eborienteers Foot-O Map by C Poole Winter 2006. Symbols used follow IOF MTBO Guidelines and grade tracks on a 6 part scale according to their rideability.
STARTS: Registration will be open in the car park from 13:00 – 14:30. All competitors must register on arrival to collect EMIT brick.
The start is located approximately 2 miles ride (on busy road) south from car park / assembly. Allow 10 minutes steady riding. There will be no clothing transfer facility provided.
Starts will be from 14:00 – 15:00. Although it is a punching start, competitors on the same course will be started a minimum of 2 minutes apart, so be prepared to queue, or spend the time warming up along a sample “difficult riding” track near the start.
Maps will be issued at -1, to give competitors a chance to fit maps into boards.
EXTRAS: Competitors will cross a busy road at 1/3 distance, and MUST follow the instructions of marshals. There will be controls at either side of road crossing and time taken to cross road (up to 1 minute) will be deducted from total time.
There is a spectator control approx. 2/3 distance, adjacent to the car park.
FINISH: Finish and download will be located in the car park. Please download in the tent immediately after your ride. Water / Squash and biscuits are provided.
Sunday 23rd April – Mass Start Loop Race
VENUE: Gilling Woods, near Ampleforth
From York and the South – Approach from B1363 York – Helmsley Road.
From Helmsley – Turn right onto B1363 from B1257 near Oswaldkirk.
Watch out for O-signs directing you into St.Martin’s, Ampleforth College Grounds in Gilling East (GR SE615770).
FACILITIES: There will be a chemical toilet for emergencies provided in the assembly area. Please try to use public facilities en-route.
COURSES: 3 courses will be provided, all with an estimated winning time of 75 - 80 mins.
Course A – Men’s Open, Men’s Vets
Course B – Women’s Open, Women’s Vets, Men’s S-Vets
Course C – Women’s S-Vets, Men’s + Women’s 60+,
Men’s + Women’s Juniors, Pairs
FORMAT: Courses A and B will have 2 loops, ridden in different orders, that start and finish in the assembly area, followed by a common final loop, hopefully leading to some real head-to-head racing at the end of the course.
Course C has a similar format, but is made up of 4 sections rather than 3, and will not return to the assembly area between each section. Instead, competitors in this course will visit a central control on 3 separate occasions when switching between loops. This is to reduce the physical challenge provided by returning to the assembly area.
TERRAIN: Gilling Wood is located on the northern edge of the Howardian Hills AONB. It is characterised by steep ridges and vallies, intercrossed by a huge variety of track types from fast forest road to rooty singletrack. The assembly area is located at the west end of ‘The Avenue’, providing stunning views across the valley to Ampleforth College and the North York Moors.
MAP: 1:10,000 MTBO map (A3 size), adapted using OCAD from Eborienteers Foot-O Map by K Heppenstall Winter 2006. Symbols used follow IOF MTBO Guidelines and grade tracks on a 6 part scale according to their rideability. All competitors will have a map ‘exchange’ after their second loop, where they must turn the map over to find the second part of their course. It is competitors’ own responsibility to make sure they use the correct side of the map first!
STARTS: Registration will be open in the car park from 10:00 – 10:30. All competitors must register on arrival to collect EMIT brick, unless competing on both days.
The assembly / start are located approximately 1km uphill ride away from car park. Allow 10 minutes steady riding. A tent will be provided in the assembly area for storage of kit during the race.
There will be 2 Mass Starts – Courses B and C will start at 11:00, Course A at 11:10.
Competitors will place their bikes along the track in the start area, then line up distant from their bikes along the fence to the north of the track. Maps will be issued rolled up once competitors are in place. As the whistle blows, competitors open their map rolls and proceed to their bikes.
PLEASE NOTE: There will be a no-riding zone in the start area, as riders will be going off in several different directions. Please observe this zone during the start procedure.
FINISH: Finish and download will be located in the assembly area. Please download immediately after your ride. Water / Squah and biscuits are provided.
PRIZEGIVING: There will be a prizegiving in the Assembly Area for both days following Sunday’s race. Please stay to support the successful competitors. Prizes have kindly been donated by York Cycleworks.
General Information relevant to both days:
EMIT: Both events will use the newest version of EMIT which allows riders to punch at a control without stopping, and check their punch has registered using the LCD screen on the EMIT brick. However, ensuring a ‘punch’ has registered is still the competitor’s responsibility, and we will disqualify those with missing punches. We believe this is the punching system being used at this year’s World Championships, and we would like to thank Phill Batts of Cleveland Orienteering Klubb and British Army Orienteering Club for donating the kit to us for the weekend at a very good price. As such, there will be NO EXTRA CHARGE for the hire of EMIT bricks, so those who have already paid for SI hire are due for a refund to be collected from registration on Saturday or Sunday.
Those competitors racing on both days will be allocated the same brick number for the whole weekend. It will be your responsibility to look after the brick overnight, and there will be a charge of £20 for a lost brick.
RULES: You must wear a helmet at all times during the race.
Riders should consider carrying tools, spares, a waterproof cag and food and drink.
Competitors must stay on the path network at all times. Riding off paths will jeopardise future use of these areas not just to MTBO but to Foot-O as well.
Please follow any instructions given to you by marshals during your race. It is for your own safety.
Due to the brambly nature of some of the trails, full arm and leg cover is recommended.
Both areas are used by the public for dog-walking, running and biking. Please respect other users, and be polite and corteous to anyone you see.
Many of the tracks may be two-way, even if they are single track. Ride on the left and be prepared to give way to those travelling faster than you.
Follow the Countryside Code.
ENTRIES: Saturday £10; Sunday £12
Full TCA Members deduct £2 per day.
Associate Members deduct £1 per day.
Non Members riding both days – deduct £1 for Sunday.
Juniors deduct £4 per day, plus deductions outlined above.
Entries received on the attached form by 18/04/2006 will be guaranteed pre-marked maps. Late entries will be accepted with a surcharge of £2.
There will be limited entry on the day on Saturday, but NO entry on the day on Sunday (entries for Sunday will be accepted on Saturday).
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TCA approved events and supported by York Cycleworks
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