mtbo :: North Yorkshire
A Weekend of Mountain Bike Orienteering in North Yorkshire
22nd & 23rd April 2006
Bishop Woods & Gilling Woods
Two great and contrasting areas to enjoy a range of rideability and navigational challenges. 3 courses available each day to suit all abilities, with special MTBO maps and electronic punching (hopefully EMIT).
Sat 22nd
Bishop Woods
Sprint (30mins) Starts 14.00-15.00
Sun 12th
Gilling Woods
Loop Race
Mass Start 11:00
Pre-entry by 18/04/06, limited EOD for Sprint only. Entries will be taken at JK.
More details available on and via
Supported by Eborienteers,
Prizes donated by York Cycleworks.
Part of the Compass Point UK MTBO Series 2006.
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