wc :: Sprint Qualifications
News is filtering through from the university of surrey and it looks like the british team had mixed fortunes. It looks all good for the women as all of them qualified. Jenny Whitehead and Sarah Rollins taking 3rd in their respective groups.
For men it doesn't seem to be such good new with only Graham Gristwood qualifying for the Monday final.
Full report here & results here
*NB - these results are not confirmed*
3rd: Jenny
4th: Heather
3 Sarah
7 Helen B
6 Helen W
9 Clare W - through by 6 seconds!!
5th: GG
dq: M Crane
13th: M Nixon
19th: Nick B
15th: JD
20th: M Speake
cheers to Liz X & Ant W for those
a few other known results include Simone Niggli winning her heat by 1 second from Finland's Mina Kauppi, Matthias Merz also won his heat. The terrain was probably the most technical urban orienteering ever raced in Britain - tiny footpaths leading between buildings, hundreds of steps being run up and jumped down, small bushes to be hurdled or run round. Mistakes were costly as athletes ran right round buildings having missed underpasses or not slowed down enough to notice dead-ends. A truly excellent course.
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