Southern MTBO Series for 2011


Series organiser Emily Benham

The 2011 southern MBO series is coordinated by the Benhams, and individual events organised by southern orienteering clubs (Wimborne, Wessex, Sarum, Berkshire Orienteers and possibly Southampton and Devon later). Each event is uniquely planned with up to four courses depending on the scope and size of the area.

To date we have 5 events in place with provisional events for Feb and September.

  • 22nd Jan - Hurn Forest WIM
  • 19th March - Swinley Forest BKO
  • 26th March - Moors Valley WIM
  • 25th June - Moors Valley/Ringwood Forest WIM
  • 26th June - Longleat Forest BRITISH LONG CHAMPIONSHIPS (provisional subject to permissions)

The Southern MBO Series is coordinated from their website - where you can find all the information you need about MBO (Called MBO due to BritishMBO changing the name!).

No worries if you don't have a map board, we will try to bring some to each event which will be available to rent (please email to reserve a map board). If you wish to buy a Miry map board, please email me by 12th Jan or 6th March. Map boards come in two different sizes depending on handlebar diameter 25.4mm or 31.8mm)

Visit for more information and check out their promo video below:

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